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Movable Type 4 session live blogging

My reason for attending this sessions: What can we, Serendipity users, learn from Movable Type 4? Any cool new features inthe backend and so on. Ok, here weg go:

  • MT4 is open source (MT3 wasn't)
  • Navigation menu at the top
  • Media upload via a Lightbox like overlay
  • Images can be tagged, too
  • Extended entry via tabs, reduces space
  • Rich text editor with the options to display HTML, Textile etc. (this might be useful for some)
  • You can restrict HTML tags for comments
  • Stats on the admin area frontpage: daily/monthly posts, comments, tags, visits (via plugin)
  • Categorize audio and video media files ("assets")
  • The multiblog functionality looks great; spam comments can be weeded out for all installed blogs with one click

Conclusion: There doesn't seem to be anything in MT4 that S9y can't do or can do even better ;O) But the backend is slicker than S9y's admin area, I must admit. Anway, I really should do a S9y session on my next BarCamp because almost noone knows about its great features. The plugin system (Spartacus) seems to be the stand-out feature and is connected to S9y by others. So we (S9y users and devs) should see to it that it remains this way, and we should try to improve the backend. But a lot of work in this field is undertaken right now, e.g. plugin administration.

Thanks to Jan Theofel for his presentation.


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Jan Theofel am :

Jan Theofel

Thanks for your live blogging. I also wrote some notes in my weblog:

There are many details which I didn't care about in the session, like the new preview which looks exactly like the page you will have in your weblog later.

Ans yes: You must do a s9y session on the next barcamp. s9y looks very cool and has a good software design. If I would chose a PHP based blogging tool I would choose s9y.

Matthias Gutjahr am :

Matthias Gutjahr

Hi Jan, without any doubt MT4 must be the preferred choice for all Perl users. And working with static pages definitely has advantages on high traffic sites. Best of all, it's open source now, seems to have an active community, and it's looking good, too ;O) So thanks again for your presentation, even if we didn't cover all the details.

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