We're waiting for the session to begin. Ok, here we go. Timo Derstappen helped realize a project with the help of CakePHP and will now introduce us to this framework. Everybody says "hello" now. Lots of PHP developers in here, but also "normal" people. CakePHP was inspired by (Ruby on) Rails, of course, and wants to take much of the basic work away from the developer (DRY). Other keywords: unit testing, convention over configuration, rapid web development, MVC, scaffolding. Someone mentions Selenium for frontend testing. (checking football halftime results meanwhile) Problems of CakePHP: works with lots of arrays, not objects, because it still runs on PHP4. Symfony, e.g., runs on PHP5 only. Still, ormigo is completely based on CakePHP, so it seems to be a very useful framework. I will have to take a second look.
Session by Johannes Kleske. Topic: The Third Place = the place between where you live and where you work. Example: Starbucks. Urban meeting places, people communicate virtually, but it's not important anymore where you work (flexible web workers -> I am my own brand). It's lonely @ home, so let's move out into cafés; problem (at least in Germany): no wifi, you're not welcome, too much background noise. The solution!? Coworking. Share cozy/creative office/working space on a daily/monthly basis. With a collaborative community feeling. See: Hat Factory; 116 West Houston, NY; Citizen Space. Ah, hippies Links: German wiki, German Google group. Check it!
I've been here at Cisco in Eschborn at the BarCamp for three hours now, and it's great fun so far. Right now, Patrick and I are sitting at the Casino and blogging our first impressions. We attended a session by Martin Kliehm about WAI-ARIA, a new accessibility standard. Quite interesting. Now we're gonna get some more coffee and go looking for more input.
I'm really looking forward to BarCamp Frankfurt this weekend. It's my first BarCamp, but I'm sure that it will be very inspiring and fun. I will meet a couple of fellow bloggers there as well as a lot of other interesting people, hopefully. It's going to ease my pain about losing my linux box this morning after a not so successful update to Feisty Fawn. Well, actually it's just not booting anymore, and I hope that I can fix it - but I can't access most of my data right now and maybe will have to reinstall the system. But enough of worst case scenarios for now!
To cut a long story short: After lots of hours of work I just committed a new version of my microformats plugin with lots of new features and bugfixes to CVS. Should be available through Spartacus soon. See my newly set up documentation page for more info. I need to go to bed now, but I promise that I will soon post more on this beautiful little plugin