Welcome to the Second Edition of the Sperrobjekt Weblog
This blog is a reincarnation of an older one that is disabled but can still be found here. For a number of reasons I decided to install the new Sperrobjekt Weblog (version 2.0 if you want) on a new server, to use a better blogging software, and to not import my old blog postings into this setup. Everything I posted before 2006 can still be found in the original archives.
First of all, it's been almost a whole year since I sent my old blog into hibernation. A lot has changed since then, particularly with regard to software. I wanted to run my server with PHP5 (still only cgi, though) and MySQL5, and I especially wanted to run Serendipity, a wonderful weblog software, on this server. And that is not only because I'm actively developing a couple of plugins for S9Y. ;O) This configuration provides for a greater flexibility, extensibility, and for modern features (hello, web2.0).
I also wanted a new start because my life has changed quite a bit. When I first started my blog in early 2003, I used it as part of a platform of personal exhibits like a picture gallery and a forum for my friends. Now, I make my living as a full-time PHP coder, and consequentially, the focus of my interests has shifted a little. I also want to use this weblog as a starting point and testbed for bleeding-edge techniques. Therefore, please don't get impatient if something breaks or is not working as expected. It's probably just me trying out some cutting-edge technique - this blog will always be under construction, or eternal beta.
My second active blog as of today goes under the name of NUMBlog and is a monothematic blog about modern (electronic) varieties of dance music, jazz, and soul. NUMBlog is not the appropriate place to post news on software development, web standards, microformats, or tech curiosities. Those will be posted here with a yet to be defined frequency. So keep your eyes open, come back here now and then, subscribe to my feed if you like, and feel free to comment anytime. Blogs are about social interaction, as is the imminent future of the internet. Oh, and one more thing: As you have already noticed, I will try to stick to English with maybe the sporadic German entriy now and then. That's because many of the topics that will be discussed here may be of interest to an international public.
PS.: About the background image: It's there for pure nostalgic reasons ;O)
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