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Find-tags-as-you-type in Serendipity

I've accumulated quite a number of tags over time, and it's not always easy to determine if I've used some peculiar tag before. Neither is it undemanding to pick the correct tag out of the list by using the mouse pointer. So, after reading about the Simple Tagging plugin for Wordpress, I decided to add some find-as-you-type functionality to our beloved freetag plugin. It's not yet as sophisticated (feature-laden) as the WP plugin, but it does its job quite well using the WICK library.

Instructions: Download the WICK lib, extract it, and copy wick.js and wick.css to your freetag plugin dir. Then you need to patch two files, serendipity_admin.php in your blog's root dir, and serendipity_event_freetag.php in your freetag plugin dir.

Add something along the lines of

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo $serendipity['baseURL'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_freetag/wick.css'; ?>" />

to the HTML head in serendipity_admin.php.

Finally, apply this patch to (the current version of) serendipity_event_freetag.php. Now you should be done. Please report if anything doesn't work and/or if it works perfectly for you.

Welcome to the Second Edition of the Sperrobjekt Weblog

This blog is a reincarnation of an older one that is disabled but can still be found here. For a number of reasons I decided to install the new Sperrobjekt Weblog (version 2.0 if you want) on a new server, to use a better blogging software, and to not import my old blog postings into this setup. Everything I posted before 2006 can still be found in the original archives.

First of all, it's been almost a whole year since I sent my old blog into hibernation. A lot has changed since then, particularly with regard to software. I wanted to run my server with PHP5 (still only cgi, though) and MySQL5, and I especially wanted to run Serendipity, a wonderful weblog software, on this server. And that is not only because I'm actively developing a couple of plugins for S9Y. ;O) This configuration provides for a greater flexibility, extensibility, and for modern features (hello, web2.0).

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