ID4me ist eine dezentrale Single Sign-On (SSO) Lösung, bei welcher der Domainregistrar als Identitätsprovider fungiert.
Das ist deshalb spannend, weil man sich so unabhängig machen kann von Identitätsprovidern wie Google und Facebook, dem europäischen NetID (hinter dem vor allem deutsche private Fernsehsender stehen) oder gar Verimi (Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Springer!).
ID4me wurde gerade erst der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt und ist daher noch nicht sonderlich weit verbreitet, aber es gibt einige erste Anbieter, darunter auch mein Mailhoster
"Single Sign-On mit ID4me" vollständig lesen
Google just released two interesting projects into the wild. One is an OpenID demo store with accompanying documentation, the other an open-source module for the Apache web server.
Google's OpenID demo store
Although OpenID has seemingly been adopted by all major players on the web (aside from Facebook, maybe), I wonder how often their users log in with their OpenID. Most smaller sites are afraid of the overhead of an OpenID implentation, or simply don't know how to do it. Now, Google set up a sample store that makes heavy use of OpenID. Equally important, it's supplemented by an extraordinary documentation. As Carsten correctly states, such a documentation was needed for quite some time. It will be interesting to see if any larger online shops jump on the bandwagon an implement OpenID for their businesses.
According to Google, page loading times become increasingly important, not only for the customer experience, but also for the ranking in Google's search index. Performance hints and tools are abundant on the web, but Google goes even beyond those recommendations and released an extension for the popular Apache web server: mod_pagespeed. I installed it on my local box, but there are lots of options, and I haven't found the time yet to fiddle with them all. It seems that you can achieve most of the optimizations by optimizing your default Apache installation. However, mod_pagespeed might make configuration a lot easier. I guess, we'll have to wait and see.
Mit Dennis Winter von den Rheinschafen diskutieren wir nun über OpenID und ZF. Gleich mal ein paar Probleme: OpenID 2.0 wird nur in Draft 11 unterstützt, noch nicht die Final; kein Attribute Exchange z.B. Manche entscheiden sich dafür lieber für die PHP4-Library von JanRain. Vorteile: Storage-Möglichkeiten für Daten in der DB zwischen einzelnen Requests, SREG-Unterstützung. Lebhafte Diskussion im Anschluss
Aber eigentlich sind wir uns einig, dass Zend_OpenId die Lösung für PHP5 und OpenId ist, sobald es endlich die Version 2.0 voll unterstützt.
Two days ago, Benjamin Nowack announced the re-release of Knowee, a distributed social web address book. Knowee started out as a project supported by the W3C Semantic Web Interest Group and will also available for download soon. This means you can install it on your own server, if you like.
Knowee is somewhat similar to NoseRub as it aggregates many of your profiles from popular social networks and applications like Twitter,, or Delicious. But Knowee adds a lot of semantic wizardry to all the data its bots collect over time. Among the technologies employed are FOAF, RDF, Microformats, OpenID, Google's Social Graph API, and SPARQL. The latter makes it easy to re-use the aggregated information in other applications. Without digging too deep into all these formats and APIs, let me say this seems to evolve into a very powerful tool, far more than a simple address book. For more info, read the introductory blog post, or simply take a shot at it.
That being said, I'm a little irritated about how little buzz Knowee has created so far (only 4[!] hits on Technorati?). Is everyone simply fed up with yet another social network aggregator? Or am I just a little bit too impatient? I don't know, but I know that Knowee deserves more attention even if it's still in an early stage. Especially since I'm sure that Benjamin will add more useful features soon, e.g. the integration of MyBlogLog.
My public Knowee profile can be found here.
While the number of sites that support OpenID steadily increased in 2007, and users can choose among many providers, much remains to be done in terms of awareness and evangelism. Enter Spread OpenID, a campaign initiated by Carsten Pötter and Thomas Huhn. They set up a weblog, explain the technical terms behind OpenID, and maintain a comparison of OpenID providers. Since I know Carsten and his motivation from several blogger meetings, I wish Spread OpenID all the best. OpenID has its pros and cons, but Spread OpenID will certainly help to prove that, ultimately, it's a good thing.