Upcoming, hCalendar, and this blog
I created an account at Yahoo!'s Upcoming some time ago. One of the features I like about Upcoming is that events are marked up with the hCalendar microformat. But if you subscribe to the RSS feed of your Upcoming events and include them in your blog's sidebar, all markup is lost, of course. So, I've hacked some new feature into my microformats plugin: It's now possible to subscribe to an events feed and merge this feed with the events that are manually entered via my plugin. The result is displayed in the sidebar with full hCalendar goodness. Check it out in my sidebar, and compare it with my page at upcoming.org. The plugin needs some cleanup 'cause it contains dirrrty hacks, but I will release it soon. I might also include the new and shiny wevent, a German Upcoming clone, and Google Calendar.
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Dennis am :
Hey Matthias,
thank you for mentioning wevent
You brought up a good idea about marking up the feed content for events with hCalendar - I will add this to our feeds an contact you when it's online!
Have a nice weekend, Dennis (wevent)
Matthias am :
Hi Dennis, great to hear that. I haven't looked at wevent's code yet, but if you implemented an hCalendar based solution, it would make marking up events much easier. Parsing Upcoming's feed required some patience