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VersionEyeBundle for Symfony2

At last week's Webmontag Frankfurt (?), Robert Reiz talked about continuous updating of dependencies with VersionEye. VersionEye, in its own words, is a

cross-platform search engine and crowdsourcing app for open source software libraries.

Essentially, the service tracks more than 170.000 libraries in languages like Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, and many more, and monitors any updates to those libs. Registered users can keep track of their projects and the libraries used in these projects. If any updates occur upstream, VersionEye sends out a mail. As a developer, you don't have to manually check on all the GitHub repositories anymore, VersionEye does that for you.

VersionEye also allows you to create beautiful graphs like this one here on the right. It also lists all the licenses of all the libraries used in your project, an let's you see which libraries you use most often.

Using it with PHP

Adding a PHP project to the service couldn't be simpler (if you use Composer, which you should!): Just upload your composer.json to VersionEye, and you're all set up. The same goes for project files like package.json (node.js), requirement.txt (Python Package Index), pom.xml (Maven) or Ruby Gemfiles. You can also connect VersionEye to your GitHub account, and it will notify you of outdated dependencies in your repositories.

Robert also said that there already is a VersionEye module for ZF2 and the ZendDeveloperTools that calls the VersionEye JSON API to track dependencies. However, I could not find a Symfony2 bundle with this functionality. So I wrote one.

Symfony2 VersionEyeBundle

The VersionEyeBundle for Symfony2 tracks all dependencies in a Symfony2 project by posting the project's composer.json to the VersionEye API. The results are conveniently displayed in the Web Debug Toolbar and on the Profiler page. It's meant for the dev environment only, of course!

Symfony2 VersionEyeBundle in Web Debug Toolbar
Here is a screenshot of the Web Debug Toolbar

The Profiler page gives you detailed information about all the dependencies in your project.

Symfony2 VersionEyeBundle in Profiler
And here the Profiler page

This is only the first, early version of the Bundle and has been used only by me so far. I would very much appreciate it if you try it out and report any issues (even better: Pull Request with failing test) or give me feedback. I hope you like it!


VersionEye am : VersionEye via Twitter

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Checkout How @mattsches is using the VersionEye API for #Symfony : : @symfony @Ocramius @naderman @klimpong

RobertReiz am : RobertReiz via Twitter

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RT @VersionEye: Checkout How @mattsches is using the VersionEye API for #Symfony : : @symfony @Ocramius @naderman @klimpong

VersionEye am : VersionEye via Twitter

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@EricHerrmann2 @phpmagazin @BjoernSchotte @woodworker Checkout how @mattsches is using our #API for #Symfony :

woodworker am : woodworker via Twitter

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RT @VersionEye: @EricHerrmann2 @phpmagazin @BjoernSchotte @woodworker Checkout how @mattsches is using our #API for #Symfony :

powtac am : powtac via Twitter

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RT @VersionEye: Checkout How @mattsches is using the VersionEye API for #Symfony : : @symfony @Ocramius @naderman @klimpong

cmuench am : cmuench via Twitter

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RT @mattsches: Very much inspired by @Ocramius Thx! RT @VersionEye: Checkout How @mattsches is using the VersionEye API for #Symfony

vranac am : vranac via Twitter

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@Djuki @msvrtan image lepo i, odnosno


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