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Ubuntu Feisty Fawn Herd 4 on Windows

Because I frequently find myself thinking about updating to Kubuntu Feisty Fawn though it's still in testing, but don't want to break a running system on the other hand, I decided to install the current Herd 4 release (of Ubuntu, without the "K") on my Windows box using the VMware Player. This turned out to be quite easy following John Bookma's instructions. Only two things I had to do was downloading QEMU for Windows increasing the size of the virtual disk to more than 2 GB (I chose 5 GB). Once I booted into Ubuntu, I simply double-clicked on the installer icon, went through the installation process, virtually rebooted, and up and running it was. Currently, I'm updating a huge list of packages, but up to now everything worked flawlessly and pretty fast on my dual core Pentium 4 2.8 GHz. Next I want to check out some of the new features built into Feisty. I just love Ubuntu.


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