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SPARQLBot, fetch!

I've just learned about SPARQLBot via this posting by Manu Sporny to the uf-discuss mailing list. He writes

This has to be the coolest semantic web related thing I've seen this year. Sparqlbot lets you load semantic data from various URLs and perform SPARQL queries on them via IRC using natural language. [...] The end result is something that resembles the ship computer from Star Trek.

and goes on to cite what probably was his first conversation with SPARQLbot. Funny and playful, but also a very interesting example of what is already possible with semantic web parsers.

SPARQL is a protocol and a query language for RDF data with a syntax similar to other well-known query languages. You can use it for fetching and even writing data that is stored in RDF format. SPARQLBot is a fun project that was demonstrated at Semantic Camp in London earlier this month and has been described as the Semantic Web Command Line. People can contribute their own SPARQL queries as SPARQLBot commands, and so far the count exceeds 30 entries. If you want to talk to SPARQLBot, visit #sparqlbot and give it some commands. Hilarious!


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