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Rockbox on a Sandisk Sansa e280

By default, the Sandisk Sansa e280 is a great music player already. It comes with 8 GB of flash memory which is more than enough for music. It served us great during our summer vacation, and you can even carry it with you when you go jogging. But the current firmware lacks some functionality like custom playlists for example. Half a year ago, I took a look at the alternative, open source firmware named Rockbox. The development of a Sansa version had not started long before, so I decided to postpone my experiments with it for a while.

The while ended yesterday, when I installed the latest Rockbox version to the Sansa e280. To cut the story short: Everything went smoothly, and now Rockbox provides all the features I was looking for (if I figured it out right so far) … and even more. I chose automatic over manual installation which turned out to be a good idea because the Rockbox Utility offers a simple interface and easy customization of installation options. I haven't finished reading the manual, but the interface is quite intuitive, I guess. Take a look at some pics I've taken of my Sansa with Rockbox:

Sansa Rockbox Booting
Booting ...
Sansa Rockbox Main Menu
Main Menu
Sansa Rockbox Matrix demo
Matrix demo
Sansa Rockbox Bubbles Game
Playing Bubbles
Sansa Rockbox Playing Doom!
Playing Doom!


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